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Embodying the Lifecycle Management of Fluorocarbons: Moving Forward with the Initiative on Fluorocarbons Life Cycle Management (IFL) - Operationalizing the concept into actions




H.E. KOIZUMI Shinjiro, Minister of the Environment, Japan, announced the launch of the Initiative on Fluorocarbons Life Cycle Management (IFL) at COP25 of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in Spain, Madrid. Despite of the accomplishment of the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol, an additional 72 billion t-CO2eq of fluorocarbons will be released into the air in the next four decades. Given the urgent need to address the effects of climate change comprehensively and the unprecedented increasing demand of fluorocarbons as refrigerants in the cooling sector, it is necessary to address emissions of fluorocarbons throughout their life-cycle, including leakage in the use of and discharge into the air during disposal. Promoting institutionalizing the life cycle management of fluorocarbons will significantly reduce emissions and contribute to mitigating climate change as well as ozone depletion (by HCFCs and CFCs).

The IFL is calling for its potential partners, such as governments, the private sector and international institutions to install sound policies and utilize technologies to control fluorocarbons emissions. This will lead to building relevant infrastructure, spur innovation, create sustainable economic growth and quality jobs. As of November 1st 2020, 13 countries and international agencies, as well as many private sector organizations have participated in the IFL.

Since the launch of the Initiative, the Ministry of the Environment, Japan (MOEJ) and its partner countries and organizations have engaged in discussions for operationalizing the aims into actions through discussions and stakeholder consultations. Now the members have developed a Work Plan Proposal for the IFL for 2021, and are interested in engaging wider participation by their potential partners.


  • To provide information on a draft Work Plan Proposal for 2021 by the IFL to its partner countries and organizations, and those countries which are interested in participating in it to explore more opportunities to increase the appropriate management of refrigerants;-To showcase good practices, ongoing efforts and lessons learned relevant to the life cycle management of fluorocarbons by countries, international agencies, and the private sector; and

  • To facilitate better understanding of how the life cycle management of fluorocarbons functions and how it delivers multiple benefits in scientific and policy contexts, whilst contributing to global efforts to protect the Ozone Layer as well as to taking a significant step towards a decarbonized world.




    Side Event organised on 27 November 2020, by The Ministry of the Environment, Japan (MOEJ) and the Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC), at the MOP32 of the Montreal Protocol.

  • Address:9th Floor, Environmental Convention Implementation Building, No. 5 Houying Fang Hutong, Xicheng District, Beijing.Postal Code: 100035

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